About the concept ‘WEARABLE DRAWINGS’
View and read more about the ‘Drawn Jacket’ here
Most of my work is inspired by 'drawing' or quite literally are drawings.
It all started with a drawing of a jacket I had fallen in love with. It was this jacket I wanted to execute and I mean -exactly this jacket-, keeping all the drawn characteristics.
I searched for ways to get this jacket off the paper. I ended up literally drawing the jacket, sketching the jacket how I thought it should look and fit around a body and cutting these patterns out by laser.
The end result is a drawn jacket with all the characteristics of a sketch: lines that end abruptly or go over the borders of the jacket and parts that are not colored in completely.
The jacket falls apart in lines or if you like it is build up out of the drawn lines. Still it is recognizable as a jacket. This is what I find attractive: an image doesn't have to be complete to give an idea of what is depicted. I find a quick sketch often much more interested to look at.
Garment vs Drawing
I have been asked many times: “Is it fashion or is it art? Is it a real garment or a drawing?”
I hope to make both, hence the title ‘Wearable Drawings’.
I'd like to make interesting pieces that belong as much in a closet as well as being framed on the wall like an artwork.
The title ‘Wearable Drawings’ should be taken very literally. My garment designs are drawings. However, at the same time I am just making garments, not some art pieces that happen to be presented on a body. I want to explore the limits of what is truly wearable.