My name is Elvira.
Depending on how you like to view my work I am an illustrator or fashion designer.
Since an early age I have had the wish to make my drawings come to life. How? I had no idea, but the idea of separating my drawn lines and the paper they were drawn on never left me.
In 2011 I graduated from Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam with a Bachelor in Fashion Design. In an attempt to upgrade my portfolio to enhance the chance to land my dream job - whatever that might have been - I started developing an idea I had for my graduation project, but at the time with an approaching deadline and limited resources had to put aside.
The following year I divided my time between temporary jobs and developing my idea, earning just enough to develop a few pieces in this new concept.
Without giving it much thought I put some pictures on facebook and applied to join a fashion design exhibition in The Netherlands where my garments were first shown to a public. Soon after one in Trier, Germany followed and an article on a major fashion blog.
I never applied for my dreamjob, instead I registered my brand in January 2013.
The same year I was invited by the organisation of WHITE MILANO and PREMIER VISION to show my work to press and retailers. It was featured in several magazines and exhibitions and as a cherry on top my bra design was worn by Lady Gaga.
Several years later I still enjoy drawing and designing new garments and love making custom designs for clients. All thanks to the amazing feedback, people sharing pictures of my work and early customers who made it possible to grow a full collection from just a scarf and a jacket.
Thank you.